Environmental Responsibility
ANEI is an exemplary model of fulfillment of our traditional law as it works in union with the millennial wisdom of our spiritual leaders, the Mamos, the ones who sustain the world. Given this knowledge, it is our commitment to ensure the welfare of all that sustains our mother earth; for that reason, we ask our mother earth permission to perform any activity with our rituals (payments), because everything that exists has a reason for being, it is alive and changing something within that natural order implies interrumpting its mission within this cycle.
For that reason, ANEI believes that sharing the message of looking after everything that life gives us is of vital importance, understanding how sacred it is for us to watch over the permanence of these materialized knowledge. For example: our ponds, the Chwendwas, from which the crystalline rivers arise and flow everywhere to continune sustaining the course of life, like the blood in our body; our Morundwas, sacred trees that give off positive energy which the wind sustains, depositing it in our Kadukwus, a sacred place that connects the universo to harmonize our being.
Sharing our mission as guardians of the world, ANEI has managed to unite in brotherhood, as it was left in our Law of Origin from the beginning, to be in union with the four native villages of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Koguis, Kankuamos, Wiwas and Arhuacos.
Sharing our mission as guardians of the world, ANEI has managed to unite in brotherhood, as it was left in our Law of Origin from the beginning, to be in union with the four native villages of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Koguis, Kankuamos, Wiwas and Arhuacos.
Sharing our millennial wisdom that was left to us, the older brothers, we continue walking the road by carrying our younger brothers who do not belong to the four native villages. In this way, we have managed to make our ANEI coffee known in several parts of the world. ANEI coffee works daily to continue fighting for our cultural permanence, for our ‘working with love’ principles without affecting our mother earth; to continue supporting the generational change, so that they may continue to train themselves, also empowering women to guarantee a future full of well-being an joy in the homes. For these reasons, we are well recognized, something which is reflected in a good remuneration of the coffee we collect from our harvests.