Proyectos de fortalecimiento
April 18, 2021
Mujeres líderes
April 18, 2021Productive projects

Our organization seeks to strengthen the knowledge of our associates. Agriculture plays a crucial role in the economy of our region, it is one of the bases of progress on which we focus to provide opportunities and improve the quality of life of producers.
At ANEI we have a trained team of agronomists and environmental engineers, carrying out promoter work and training for each producer on his farm, we want to support the increase in productivity and quality.
The trainings focus on organic coffee processes, good agricultural practices, efficient management of natural resources, we also provide them with the necessary tools for the adaptation of their productive units, through the Bonus program, which provides a support for the growth of associates, through the delivery of material bonuses, to improve the conditions and infrastructure of the processing plant in its production units.
Another the programs carried out by ANEI is the revolving credit fund, one of the concerns of the producers is the problematic access to bank loans because they are small producers that sometimes do not meet many of the requirements, also during the waiting period of the harvest the producers seek to obtain additional income or market their coffee for an unprofitable price, that is why at ANEI we provide them with the necessary financial support to start the harvest.
With each of the projects carried out, we seek to generate an impact on the economy of the region and our producers’ families to achieve community development.