Diversidad del café
March 26, 2021
Key aspects of coffee
March 27, 2021Cultural essence

At Anei we recognize the importance of our coffee associates, who provide us with a wide variety of coffee profiles with their effort and dedication.
Each coffee grower is a family history of commitment and cultural legacy transmitted to future generations; that is why we want to share a little story about one of our associates.
Juan Torres, is one of the oldest producers in the organization, with 14 years working together with us and putting into practice from his production unit all our commitments as older brothers (Arhuacos) in charge of teaching younger (non-indigenous) brothers about nature conservation. Together with his family for these cultural principles, they work day by day taking care of mother earth, carrying out good agricultural practices, fertilizing coffee according to the moons, asking permission from our parents to plant, taking care of rivers, birds, and everything that surrounds it, since for each process the first principle is harmonized.
Due to its geographical location and microclimates in its unit, we can find lush trees such as guamo, oak, guava, cedar, lemon, avocado, mango, citrus, laurel, tiger’s hand, and other species that have facilitated the productivity of coffee with exotic profiles and fruit trees.
Different varieties are also cultivated, such as Caturra, Tipica Nativa, Colombia, Tabi, which Mr. Juan Torres and his family strive so that these attributes are no lost in the coffee processing by only collecting ripe cherries and removing its pulp carefully to avoid bean mistreat. He also complies with the exact times of fermentation, washing and drying on the coffee tray. Once the parchment coffee is dry, the women do the last work in the chain, dedicating themselves to a manual selection of the insect-damaged beans to avoid cup problems.
All these flavors that Mother Earth offers and the dedication of this producer and family can be enjoyed in a cup from somewhere in the world.