Quality coffee
June 16, 2021
Guia basica de catación
June 29, 2021
Quality coffee
June 16, 2021
Guia basica de catación
June 29, 2021

Regional unit

Among the organization’s main objectives is the strengthening of our community; therefore, we seek to contribute to solving the needs of the region with strategies and programs that have a significant impact.

We currently have a regional investment program in which the leader of each village is in charge of analyzing the problems and developing in the company of the community different strategies to propose solutions that can carry out.

In order to promote the academic training of the children of the associates, the educational strengthening program was developed, which consists of providing the necessary inputs and tools to support student processes such as exchanges, uniforms, scholarships, school supplies, etc.
In addition to the educational program, we created a project to improve healthy homes, which is transversally related to the implementation of the modules or filtration systems, with a proposal to reduce the effect of residual water from the houses in the washing process of the coffee.

Another of the outstanding projects achieved through the regional investment program is the adaptation of the road infrastructure, a project of great importance due to its impact on the community’s quality of life. Considering the geographical bases of our region and the tiny state investment in the construction of roads led us to work on this challenge, which is also part of the transportation of coffee to facilitate access to producers and their productive units.

It is essential to consider the participation and integration of each of the people who are part of the community to strengthen the growth of the region.
During the projects carried out, and we seek to support our associates in their personal goals, the improvement of the quality of life and the coffee quality processes.
